Truth In Taxation
Utah's 1985 Truth In Taxation law brought transparency to property taxes to make property taxes revenue-driven, not rate driven. This means, all else remaining equal, when property values rise...property tax rates fall proportionally. In other words, when property values increase, the "certified tax rate" automatically adjusts to offset that increase so local taxing entities receive a flat revenue amount.
This process does not provide for any automatic inflationary adjustments because the certified tax rate is set to generate the identical revenue amount as the previous year. Through Truth in Taxation, local taxing entities can set rates, and assessed property values allocate those taxes among property owners. To increase the revenue dollar amount, taxing entities must follow state law on public noticing and hearing processes.
This year Harrisville City is proposing an increase of 0.69% above last year’s property tax budgeted revenue.
A public hearing will be held before the Harrisville City Council on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers located at 363 W Independence Blvd.
The following charts respond to some of the Frequently Asked Questions.