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Healthy Community
Harrisville City’s vision is to provide a well-planned, safe, and
attractive community which meets the needs of all Harrisville
City resident's.
When you think of Health, what comes to mind? Exercise? Diet?
What about Mental Health or Emotional Health?
In April 2023, Harrisville City earned the Utah Healthy Community Designation. This was accomplished by completing a lengthy application process. In the application, Harrisville City listed which health strategies it currently has within the city. Some of the items were; the Community Garden boxes, the Safe Disposal Box for unwanted/unused medications, recreational programs, and many more. The strategy areas were broken out into three categories; Active Living, Mental Health, and Access to Healthy Food.
In February 2023, the City Council unanimously agreed one goal they wished to focus on was to strengthen community access to parks, employment, shopping, and education facilities. A decisive step in accomplishing this goal is to conduct a walkability audit throughout the city to identify areas for improvement. The information gathered will be utilized to help the City improve existing conditions and plan for future projects.
To participate in the walkability audit is as easy as taking a step.
Step 1 - Find an area to complete the study
Step 2 - Download section map / walkability form
Step 3 - Go for a walk
Make certain to bring a pencil to mark any areas you find are deficient and water. Hydration is a must! Thank you for your willingness to help.

Overall Section Maps