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Picturesque Park Scenes


The Harrisville City Planning Commission meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Harrisville City Offices at 363 West Independence Blvd, Harrisville, Utah. If you would like to apply to be on the Planning Commission, click on the application below.


The purpose of a Planning Commission is to have a citizen's committee which gives an independent voice to elected officials regarding land development issues facing the city.

Harrisville City has established a Planning Commission according to the Utah State Municipal Planning and Zoning Act. The duties of the Planning Commission include:

  1. Preparing and recommending a general plan and amendments to the plan to the  City Council for approval; 

  2. Recommending zoning ordinances, zoning districts and maps, and amendments to the zoning ordinance and maps to the City Council for adoption; 

  3. Administering the regulations of the zoning ordinance and grant specific approvals or waivers as provided in the zoning ordinance; 

  4. Reviewing subdivision applications, regulations and amendments; 

  5. Reviewing and approving land conditional use permits; and  

  6. Making special studies at the request of elected officials and scheduling programs, work sessions or field trips to consider policies and recommendations.

The Commission consists of members who must be residents of Harrisville City. They are appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City Council, and serve four year terms in this position. Their duty is to do what is best for Harrisville, in accordance with adopted City regulations, not only for the short-term, but also for future generations. Most of their actions are recommendations based on the zoning laws and the community good to the elected City officials—either the City Council or the Mayor.


Nathan Averill - Chair

Chad Holbrook - Vice Chair

Bill Smith

Brad Elmer

Jordan Read

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